About Mr. Mislan and his teaching reflections
About Roel Mislan:
I am from San Diego (Chula Vista), CA. I am married to a wonderful woman and the father of two crazy and amazing kids. My past times include gaming of all kinds (from tabletop, card, computer games) as well a fanatic of all things Marvel, Star Wars and Anime, even dressing up occasionally as my favorite characters from those universes. I also enjoy playing the guitar and even had a teacher band at one point in my career as an educator.
Currently, I am the Technology Manager at a charter school in Chula Vista and also run the media center. Prior to my work in Education, I was a R&D Associate at Hewlett Packard, working with the company for nearly 5 years. I am a former student of SDSU and graduate of National University with a Bachelor's of Science in Information Systems and an emphasis on Information Management.
How did your personality affect your choice of content area?
Based on the metarasa personality page found here, I am likely more to think first before acting. I use intuition to consider potential and possibilities. Additionally I look at things as an onlooker and analyzing. Lastly, I use perception to change and adapt as new things arise. Given these personality traits, I feel the area of technology, where it continually grows and changes, is a perfect fit. As new technology is introduced, perception will give me the ability to process and adapt. Thinking will help with critical processes involved in both programming as well as visual problem solving. Intuition and analysis will help with the iterative cycles involved in software development as well as design.
How does or will your personality affect your relationships with your students?
Based on my personality, I think the traits will help me guide students to their true potential. In addition, using perception will help me adapt to the students learning styles as well as formulate appropriate learning experiences based off of formative assessments. Introversion will help me to think things through and take the appropriate action as needed.
How will your teaching and learning style affect your teaching and your students' abilities to be successful?
Based on the NC State Learning Style questionnaire found here, I am moderately reflective, visual and global. My strongest influence is in intuitive. Given my strong tendency towards intuitive, I will need to be careful to not exclude those students more influenced by sensing. Additionally, I should continue using moderation on my other tendencies to give students what they need as well as appeal to the areas of active, verbal and sequential.
I chose to focus on Industrial and Technology Education as my path in the teaching field due to my experience and background. My hope is to teach the next generation the process of an innovative imagination using technology for a better future.
I am from San Diego (Chula Vista), CA. I am married to a wonderful woman and the father of two crazy and amazing kids. My past times include gaming of all kinds (from tabletop, card, computer games) as well a fanatic of all things Marvel, Star Wars and Anime, even dressing up occasionally as my favorite characters from those universes. I also enjoy playing the guitar and even had a teacher band at one point in my career as an educator.
Currently, I am the Technology Manager at a charter school in Chula Vista and also run the media center. Prior to my work in Education, I was a R&D Associate at Hewlett Packard, working with the company for nearly 5 years. I am a former student of SDSU and graduate of National University with a Bachelor's of Science in Information Systems and an emphasis on Information Management.
How did your personality affect your choice of content area?
Based on the metarasa personality page found here, I am likely more to think first before acting. I use intuition to consider potential and possibilities. Additionally I look at things as an onlooker and analyzing. Lastly, I use perception to change and adapt as new things arise. Given these personality traits, I feel the area of technology, where it continually grows and changes, is a perfect fit. As new technology is introduced, perception will give me the ability to process and adapt. Thinking will help with critical processes involved in both programming as well as visual problem solving. Intuition and analysis will help with the iterative cycles involved in software development as well as design.
How does or will your personality affect your relationships with your students?
Based on my personality, I think the traits will help me guide students to their true potential. In addition, using perception will help me adapt to the students learning styles as well as formulate appropriate learning experiences based off of formative assessments. Introversion will help me to think things through and take the appropriate action as needed.
How will your teaching and learning style affect your teaching and your students' abilities to be successful?
Based on the NC State Learning Style questionnaire found here, I am moderately reflective, visual and global. My strongest influence is in intuitive. Given my strong tendency towards intuitive, I will need to be careful to not exclude those students more influenced by sensing. Additionally, I should continue using moderation on my other tendencies to give students what they need as well as appeal to the areas of active, verbal and sequential.
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